Privacy Policy

1. Responsible unit/contact

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

2. Subject of data protection

The subject of data protection is personal data. Under Section 3(1) of the BDSG such data include individual information on personal or factual circumstances of a certain or determinable private individual. This includes, for instance, details such as the name, e-mail address or telephone number, or usage data, if applicable. Usage data are such data that are required or created in order to use the our app, such as details on the start, end and scope of the usage of our app.

3. Collection and use of data

Automatic data collection: when accessing Alenrom apps, our apps automatically send data for technical reasons. The following data are stored separately from other data that you may send to Alenrom under certain circumstances:

  • Date and time of the access
  • Operating system user
  • URL of the website visited previous
  • Volume of data sent
  • These data are stored for technical reasons only.

4. App permissions

App use the following permissions:

Access to the microphone: The App requires access to the microphone in order to enable voice translation.

Permission for calendar: If you want to use calendar based proposals for smart naming you can optionally allow this permission.

Permissions for contacts: If you would like to use your contacts for sending translation you can optionally allow this permission.

Permission for location: If you want to use location based proposals for smart naming you can optionally allow this permission.

Permission for Push Notifications: Optional you can allow the app to send push notifications, e.g. for reminders.

Mobile Data: Optional permission to use the mobile data network for uploading your files to the cloud storage service of your choice.

Your translations are your creation – your transcripts are stored locally on your device.

5. Data provided by the user

We need data and, where applicable, additional information from you in order to respond to your queries, suggestions and criticism, and in order to detect technical faults, abuse and illegal use of our services. In addition, you can also provide additional personal data (e.g. details about your device type, language settings, use of iCloud etc.] on a voluntary basis. If you are using the App function “Contact Support” the following data will be transmitted and a text file with information about crashes and errors will be attached. Excluding your email address all data can be edited before it is send to us.

  • User ID
  • Bundle ID
  • App Version and purchase (if any)
  • Device Information
  • Camera configuration
  • Language Settings
  • Cloud status
  • Auto upload status

Only such data that is required for the execution of the agreement and provision of our services is mandatory, i.e. must be provided. This includes the following information:

6. Disclosure of data

We do not disclose your personal data to third parties without having informed you in advance and having obtained your consent. Only in the following exceptions we may disclose your personal data to third parties without having notified you in advance:

Insofar as it serves to determine any illegal use of our website or the app or criminal prosecution, personal data may be disclosed to law-enforcement authorities and, in the event of specific indications of the existence of legal violations, to damaged third parties, if applicable. The disclosure of data may also occur if it serves to enforce general terms and conditions or other agreements. Furthermore, we are legally obligated to disclose information to certain public offices on their request, including law enforcement bodies, authorities which may impose fines and fiscal authorities.

Occasionally, we require external agencies and service providers for the provision of services. In such cases, the information is disclosed to these companies or persons for further processing. These external service providers are carefully selected by us and regularly assessed in order to ensure that your privacy is protected. The service providers may use personal data exclusively for the purposes stated by us in observance with this data protection declaration.

Within the framework of the development of our business, the structure of Alenrom may change. The legal form may be changed and subsidiaries or holdings established, purchased or sold. For such transactions, customer data are disclosed along with the part of the company that is to be transferred. Whenever personal data are disclosed to third parties, in the above scope, we will ensure that the transmission takes place in accordance with this data protection declaration and the relevant data protection laws.

7. Deletion of your data

Insofar as your data is no longer required for the above purposes, it is deleted. In the event that data needs to be stored for legal reasons, it is blocked instead. The data will then no longer be available for further use.

8. Right of information and correction

You have the right to receive information on the data stored by Alenrom relating to you. You also have the right to correct, block and have deleted incorrect data. To this end, please contact [email protected] or write a letter to the above address.

9 . Amendment to this data protection declaration

Alenrom reserves the right to amend this data protection declaration. The current version of the data protection declaration can be accessed at any time at